What are the factors that affect screening efficiency?

What are the factors that affect screening efficiency?

Factors affecting screening efficiency: material characteristics, selection of screening surface, production conditions.


A vibrating screen is a specialized equipment used for grading or removing impurities from materials, applied in various industries. When we choose vibrating screen equipment, we will consider how efficient the screening of this product is? Xinxiang Dayong vibrating screen manufacturer has compiled some factors that affect the screening efficiency of vibrating sieves, hoping to help you choose the appropriate vibrating screen:

  1. Physical properties of screened materials: including the composition, humidity, shape, etc. of the material itself. The properties of different materials and screening requirements directly affect the selection of vibrating screen equipment models.
  2. The influence of screening surface properties and structural parameters: vibrating screens make particles and screening surfaces move vertically, so screening efficiency is high and production capacity is large.
  3. The impact of production conditions: When the load of the screening machine is high, the screening efficiency is low. The uniformity of feeding is of great significance to the screening process.

Xinxiang Dayong Vibration Machinery Co., Ltd. believes that as long as you consider the above three factors, you can generally buy a good vibrating screen equipment.

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