Industrial powder roller screen factory direct sales

Swing screen is a roller screen for industrial powder produced by Xinxiang Dayong company. It is widely used and convenient.Screening efficiency up to 99%.No particle destruction in sensitive products. High screening quality results in higher revenues for graded products.Tumbler screen for sewage treatment .


Tumbler vibrating sieve is an efficient sieving machine which is designed to meet the large output, high-density sieving of the manufacturers. The simplest sieving is hand sieving by eye. This is mechanically simulated by the tumbler screen, which takes the most effective simulation of the artificial sieving movement (sieving precision, efficiency, sieve life is 5-10 times than usual sieving machine).Tumbler screen are suitable for all powders and granular materials in the fine and ultra fine range , especially for materials which are difficult to sieve.

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